
Toward the Department of Energy
The energy crisis, meanwhile, overtook the Atomic Energy Camission.

President Gerald R. Ford signed the Energy Reorganization Act of |

1974 on October 11, abolishing the Atcmic nergy Commission and trans-

ferring its nuclear weapon program to the newly formed Energy Research
and Development Administration (ERDA).

Because the Energy Research and

Development Administration's primary purpose was to develop new sources
of energy Congress questioned whether nuclear weapon programs should be
assigned to the agency.

After a year of study, ERDA and the Department

of Defense recommended that ERDA should retain the weapon program.


comelLing reason for leaving the weapon program in the civilian energy
agency was that the weapon laboratories also had important energy
research capabilities.”

The continuing arms control negotiations had far more impact on the
weapon program than energy reorganization.

The United States signed the

Threshold Test Ban Treaty which prohibited underground tests with yields
exceeding 150 kilotons and specified that nuclear weapon tests must be
confined to specific test sites.

The United States agreed to use

national technical means to verify compliance with the treaty and
henceforth conducted weapon testing programs in compliance with it.


United States also signéd a campanion to the Threshold Test Ban Treaty,
the Treaty on Underground Nuclear Explosions for Peaceful Purposes on




treaty on peaceful

explosions defined certain

activities which did not constitute peaceful nuclear-explosions and
applied to all nuclear explosions conducted outside specified weapon
testing grounds.

The Peaceful Nuclear Explosions Treaty also limited

all underground test shots to 150 kilotens. °°

Select target paragraph3