The Department of Energy Organization Act of 1977 brought together for the first time in one department most of the Federal Government's energy programs. With these programs came a score of organizational entities, each with its owm history and traditions, from a dozen depart- ‘ments and independent agencies. The History Division has prepared a series of pamphlets on The Institutional Origins of the Department of Energy. Each pamphlet explains the history, goals, and achievements of @ predecessor agency or a major program of the Department of Energy. This pamphlet, which replaces Roger M. Anders' previous booklet cn "The Office of Military Application," traces the history of the United States nuclear weapon program from its inception during World War II to the present. defenses. Atomic Nuclear weapons form the core America's modern anders! history describes the truly formidable efforts of «ne Energy Commission, the Energy Research Administration, and the Departmr agencies and their plants and lak which protects America today. Roger M. and Develogment to create a diverse anc sophisticated arsenal of nuclear Division. of 2 accomplishments of these : created an “atomic shieic" ae Anders ig a trained historian working in the Histor; Although whenever possible he has checked his work with appropriate offices within the Department, the author, and the Chief Historian ultimately determined the study. content and conclusions of ‘the The pamphlet is the product of teamwork within the History