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The-objective of-Projeet—-2.2-was-to ceasure jnitial- and residual-gacca

ratas,as a functlon of time at various distances from high-yield thermo-

nuclear detonations,
Initial-ganua rate versus tice was beacured at fiod distances from

ground zero.

In particular, measurcoants wore sade of the offact on

initieal-gacsa rate caused by the passsge of tha shock front fron ground
zero through the detector station.
Rasidual-ganma rate versus tine was measured to provide gamza>


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rate of arrival end geasa-fisld-decay rate during the 36-hour period
after tha detonatica.
Scintillation detectors wre used in making mecsuurenints. The in
strumant atations were self-containud--~the only outsida facilities required wes timing slgnaia ta turn on the stations at a predetermined
tine prior to thea detonation.
Data ovtuined indicats that the expanding fireball and the passage
of tha shock front from ground seve through the detector station hada
marked affect on tha initial-gerra ratecs-isnea cn the integra sd oor
The initdal~gaziza rate reacted its first peak imisiiately after
tre datoration, decreased slowly, begen to rise slowly, sei thon Incressed
repidly to a second peak (which was about the sate value as the first
peak). After reaching the second-peak valua, the Initial-gana rate dae
exeasad rapidly to sero.
The slow decrease jAInitial-gama rats was attributed to the nmatuc
ral decay of the rission products; the slow rica, to tha axoseding of tha
dreball and epproach of ths shoex front; and thea renid incroase, to tha
pasce.a ef the shock front Yhrough tha dutector etation. Those effects
war) olso evidenced in tha intogrs ted exeosure both prior amd subsiqusat
to ths arrival of the ehock front. Ths avverea welosity of tha shoe
froat waa found to desrvans rapidly vith gistenes Erea grovrd esro.
Tha decay exconent froa tha raviducl centuntastion and flout vase
Jed with distonsa ced direction fron prourt coro, ard its choclate yaiue
insreasad rather abrocbly cevoral houra efter tha @atenation. This
abrupt increase ig agtributele ta the procenee of chort~livad trotopes
in tha resdtuel contentination and frJlout.
Tha roasurecints ecda by Pooject 2.2 of initlale. 7a redi-tion ex
posuras from thiivonuclear coyicsa of nish ylold em in coeds wectens
with data from "The Ruclear Readahion foriwok,t ATP LD 9

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rediation tims-intensity data, which give information beth on fallout

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Select target paragraph3