
Pulfilinent of tha objectives of this project required an instrument of known operatiocal chare
acteristics {nm varythigh radiation fields, and with en extremely large dynanie range. The former
yeyulrumat Icilcated that a sclovillation datector would te tush suited; the latter lod to the
ehoice of a fasd~back circuit that kept the photomiltipliar-tubes anods current substantially
constant and thus prevented fatigue cf the photocathode under high flux.
The protoaltipliar dynoda voltaga Js davelsred esroas thy cathoda resistor of a cathode followr, whoes tupat eignal is dorived from the photozultiplisr e.oda curm.t (Aigure A.l). fo
inereace in the incidant Juss flux on the plotocathids tenda to incrwssa the photosultiplier=

Figura Awl

Sehotatic die ran of a typlool cotactor system.

Highwtnteaelty mecun ania wera roto vith a le2l photomultiplier tute whoireas falloud roasuminnts wom mde with

a 58lo-type tube.

tuba acede curmate Tecresstd ancda current posante e@ ocesilve atonel to the contol tub, diac
cote ing Gta fopedanew of that tubs ard Joweriry ths soltes anemng the py’ atoviltipl ioretute
Frew tra acclitsation of tha ct ste:
tha vwoltace,
Coote volte y will onura a
rina es dittea is
Garideces th udynoda

piv igo lot ibitopel

tube ond C21 4 am

Ting voltastorte

Tis ter ca of ane fecteurrant variation ema be calculated for 3 gavaa control tube and feod-

back resistor.

If tho control tuts bas a grid bea of 5 volta (shat fa, the tobe cuts off at



pee epee

Select target paragraph3