2 an ee A a aml

the incident gamna rate, whils the lead-covered one detected 1/100 of this

rate, and also received only 1/100 of the total exposure.

To calibrate the station with the normal head, the first method was

used as described in Soction 2.2.1.

This required tha placemnt of a


density-four neutral filter between the crystal and tha photonultiplier
tuba of tha normal station to increase tha range %9 10° r/hr. The leadcovered head required only a dsnsity-two noutral rilter, inasmuch ag the
lead covering s:rved to attonuate the Incident gamua radiation by a face


tor of 100 (equivalent to a donsity-two filter).

If tha two delector heads track, tha crystals are not being differ=
entially effected by gamma ratos ond cumulative exposures. If tho deteco
tors do not track, it is an indication that there is a rate or cumulative
exposure doperndance of tho .system or a significant changes in the spectral
quality of incident radiation. In the evant thet scintillation crystals
are shown to ba nsither rate nor docega dependent, the assuzption may ba
mad? that a naarly linear extrapolation of low-intensity calibration can
be porformed.



2.2.1 Hivh-Intensity Calibration. Calibration for high rates was
based on the assutption that tha light output.of the scintillation crys~
te is a linear function of the incident rediation at least up to 10!

Two techniques ware used to calibrate the high~level instruzents.
l. the first method, tha dotector head was calibrated from 0.2 r/ir to
104 r/tr, using en 28-eurla Cosources. To extend thea ranva of the ine


struvent to 10% r/hr, a density-four nautral filter was placed bot-xen
the crystal end the photomiltiplier tubs. Uffectively tha systen would

then seasure rediation from about 0.2 x 10° x/nr to 10 r/ar


It was nocassary to put jvitelding eround the photo:attiplier tube,
sinca it was sensitive to radiation. Tho purpose of the sideiding was
a sttonpt to attenuata tho incident guia ceiletion on tho ph:
hotonal “Inlles
by tha sum order of te gnituds as the noutral de asity ftiter attrnuatas

the light from tha erystel.

(This was not possitle in tha field, as the

éaount of seatter radiation striking the photo ultiplier through tha

light pire pmeludad an ottenuation factor greater than 16})

In the cocond highwinteneity calibration mthod, tho detestor tead

was first calibrated from 0.2 r/hr to 10! t/bz using on Etseurts com

source. The crystal was thon replsced by a lichb couceca of the sar
spectral quality as the stilbana erystel outwit, Tha ovtput of tiie
light sourea could ba voriad dn inova inerevontae A shot v3 nado of
this output versus tho rolativa ineteont luntnous flux. The esl loretion
curve thus obtainsd was then rocuelized to the curva obbained vith rodias

tion and was found to tresk very cloroly up to ths nextmun of 164 r/hr
(Figure 2.2). Eacaurs of the esroement botwen tha Lichb end the rediac

tion calibrations at tha lew levils, the light calibration was tired ag a
basis for extranolating the rrdiatioan enlibration curyos up to 1c? r/ne.




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Select target paragraph3