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Chapter 2



A lew-sensitivity systea was usod for moesuring hightinitial- and
high-residual-gasca radiation rates. For maasuring lowr residual~gama
rediation ratos from fallout, th inatruientation waa of high seiusitivity.

(See Appendix for circuit theory of tha instrumntation.)
2.1.1 Low-Sensitivity System.

The detecting element was a stilbene

crystal mounted in a graphite block for clactron equilibrium.

This crys-

tal asserbly was installed inside a hlast-resistant housing at the top of
alight pipe. The crystal cutput passed through the light pipe and was
cetacted by a 1F21 phcotonultiplier tube. This tube was used in a 100
percent feed~beck circuit, which held the anode current nearly constant

(regardless of the incident light) by reducing the photomultipller-tube

dynode voltage. The gain of the tube was approximately a direct function
of the antilog of the dynode voltage. In this mamner, a useful dynamic
range of about 10 was realized.
Tw different recording systems wero ved to take edvantage of the
wide dynante rangs of tha instrecant. Insitial-ge-ma rates from 10° r/br
to 10° x/hr wore rocosvied by a high-spsed recorder, which was capable of
rosolving to 0.01 c2cond with a recording tina to 20 minutes. This recordur, wonufcotured by tha Sanborn Cocnany, Cavoridge, Massachusetts,
uced heat-sensitiva paper and @ hot-wire stylus. It was found to be will
suited to recording under the adverra conditieng encountorsd during nae
clear testa, since it vas virtunlly free of the troubles that may arise
with ink and photoprephic recorders.

Initiol-pacna rates fron 0.20 r/hr to lof r/ar with low resolution

over a long-tins period were recorded by a Bristol recording millivoltmeter. This recorder used stoked paper, hed a minning tine of about 24
hours, and a tine resoluticn that was proportional to tho running tire

(1 rinute at tha start acd

ntinutes at the end of 24 hours).

A double station, consictins of two detectora, one with a lou- cid
ong with a hipghtresolution recording sysiom, covered tha rarge from 0.2

rfhr to 10? r/fhr and reescded unsful data from 0,01 cecond to 24 hours.
2.).2 HieheS nalsivity S.sten,

The detecting olecent was en anthras

scene eryst\l countedinaEreposeablock for electron ecnilitrsum end ate
teched to tha wiadow of a 5219 photemultiplior tube.

This tubs, dike the

U2l mentioned in Section 2.1.1, wa3 ured dn a l0O-percent fecicback

elrevit, and the ancda current was kept virtually constant.
Its gain was
approximately a direct function of the antilog of the dynoda voltage.



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