cae mt a eee a UT ee ena er Sete, + ~ rm Objective : and Tasks For | PATHWAY ANALYSES OBJECTIVES: Obtain and/or, develop the varicus pathway factors necessary to deternine a cozplete and objective dose assessnent which will characterize the offsite environs by region, connunity or locale, age and occupeticn. TASKS > Detercine ecelegical concentraticn mechanisrcs and other variables/paraneters vhich may influence the ingestion/inhalation factors necessary for dose deternination. Develop the food chain uptake parareters for various age groups, occupations, life-siyles - etc. _Investigate the various life-styles of the offsite public and how these various living patterns may influence dose assessment. Particularly investigate the inpact of specifi cutdoor life-styles, i.e., sheepherders, ranchers, farmers, construction workers, etc., and the individually supplied fanily (i.e., fanily cow, garden; etc.). |