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Upton, New York 11973

Medical Department

(516) 345- 3577

November 17, 1977

The Honorable Adrian Winkel
High Commissioner
Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
Saipan, Mariana Islands 96950
Dear Mr. Winkel,
I was sorry I was not able to meet with you in September whenyou
had to leave Saipan unexpectedly for Washington.
I am delighted about your plans for the increased subsidization of
the Bikini diet.
Mrs. Van Cleve sent me a copy of your plans along with
lists of food supplements and proposed menues.
It looks like this should
greatly improve their nutritional status and hopefully will deter them
from eating the local produce.
Tf am having our dietician look it over
in case she might have any suggestions.
It would be great if we could
improve the diet of the Marshallese in general, perhaps by making a
greater variety of foods available to the outer islands on the field trip

ships and by education.
I understand you had two nutritionists go to
Bikini and one of them a Marshallese lady, live with the people for a
while to instruct them in ways to increase variety and wholesomeness of
their diets.
This sounds like an excellent approach.
It might be a
good idea for me to take this lady along on our medical survey in MarchApril, if she is willing, to evaluate the diets of the people at Rongelap
and Utirik and perhaps advise them about ways to improve their diet. As
you may know, diabetes is a serious problem in the Marshallese and about
the only feasible treatment in the outer island's is dietary.

In the enclosed letter to Masao Kumangai I told about our new medical
personnel we are getting into the program and our hopes to establish a
laboratory trailer adjacent to the Ebeye Hospital.
I was glad to hear
about your plans for improving the hospital.
Perhaps we may be able to
find some surplus medical equipment here which would be useful in the
I also mentioned in the letter referred to above, the hope that we
can at some time resolve the confusion surrounding PL-5-52 (C.O.M.) and
the agreement reached between ERDA~TT, which are quite different.
Rongelap and Utirik people apparently consider this a very important law
and probably to a great extent because of the per diem allowance.





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