Mwere collected at two sites on the island. Survey readsugs were made by

Greenhouse and Naidu.
Fishing with gillnet and thrownet was unsuccessful,
mainly due to the very low tide and shallow water around the island.

In the afternoon, we went to Aon Island. This island is about six miles
west of. Utirik Island and 1s the westernmost island in the atell. There are
five or six houses on Aon but only one was occupied at this time. Samples of
vegetation and soil were collected at three sites on this island. Survey
readings were also taken.

Aon Dsland
Ui rik




Atoll! -



23 September (Thursday)

‘The Liktanur left Utirik Island at-0800.
24 September (Friday)
At. 1315 the Liktanur beached on Rongelap Island in Rongelap Atoll. In the
afternoon a meeting was held with the Rongelap people. No objections were made
to either the medical or environmental portion of the program.

25 September (Saturday)



Greenhouse, Naidu and I left Rongelap Island at 0750 in the Boston Whaler.
We followed the reef on the east side of the atoll to Eniaetok Island where we

_cut across the lagoon to Aerik Island. Here we followed the northern reef, and
arrived at Naen Island at 0930. This route was a distance of about 30 miles and
took about 6.5 gallons of. gas on this relatively calm day. We anchored ina
deep, sheltered cove between Naen and West Yugui islands. This cove is cut off
from the lagoon at low tide (<0.5). A gillnet was set in this cove.
we collected soil and plant samples at six sites. Survey readingswere_also_
taken at these six sites and other sites. Rueter-Stokes readings ranged from
20 to 75 uR/hr in the interior of the island. Soil samples of at least 0-25 cm
were taken at the six sites, since this istand potentially could have the highest
levels of radioactivity at Rongelap Atoll. A sample of convict surgeon was taken
‘in the gillnet. We left Naen at 1400 and arrived at Rongelap at 1645, after a
one-hour stop at Eniaetok Island.

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