TITLE ~ ?)oseReassessment for Rongela? and Utirik CONTRACTOR NAME Associated Un, versitles, 20. e. AND PEPORT:NG ‘FM-o2-01-01 CODE i DATE PREPARED 03/31/?1 I ~ Inc. Detail Attachments. BUDGET CODE aNL ] WPNUMBER TASK No. ! REV I NO. o cent. .4pproach. The study will comprise: 1. literature search for all available data concerning the IR4V0 tests such as, meteorological conditions and radiation measurements, and discussions ~’ith exposed Xarshallese cnd with scientific and technical personnel involved in tb.e 3R.iVOtest, 2. use of his:oric soil samples, food samples and teeth samples to detenniae 1-129, Sr-90, and Pu-239, ~~~ ~once=trations to derive concentrations cf other radionucldies. 12 ad~itio>, excised t}.yroidglarAs from sx~osed ;.lars’nallese will be analyzed for I-i29 zxd Yc-99, 7 ~. diet and life style studies 5C 4. ccnputer simulation of ch.eBWVO ard deposition of radionuclides, ?rovide iaformatio? f~r dose assessment, test fallout to deternine the transport 5. use of historic 3RAV0 fallout radio~ct$-~ity ssnplzs to ?etenine abundance of 1-129 atoms per unit 3RAV0 activity. the Management Controis. in the fora of nonthly comparisons, over Ehe Fiscal control will ~e exercised task term, of actual costs incurred against corresponding line items of the “Dudget. Technical results shall be monitored through a periodic review, by the Contractor Task >lanager, of accoa?lishnents by neasuriag actual perfoaance as compared zo expected progress. .411work shall 5e co~ducted in conformance ~izh ge~erally accepted standards for ?&Eland other investigative ar analytic procedures, as observed by universities and lar~e :zde?ende~.tresearc;h facilities incl.udiz,g 3rookhaven Xa:ional Laboratory (3NL). f. Technical Pro~ress. Technical Progress in FY 1980. A repor: on the diet and living ~attzrn of t’neXongelapese and Vtiri”kese has r?fcirnulatedwith 5een completsd. The co~puter si~ulztion of fallcl:t is being zdtiitionaldata that has beez acquired. T“nyroid SIaads from the exposed !.!arshallese have bees analyzed for Yc-99 and 1-129. A??roximately 50 historic soii been analyzed for 1291 and ocher dosi~etricall;~ %~portant nuclides. saaplss have Prelini.fiar;? dcse assessment fcr the ;<arch 1954 exposed population has ‘oeen perfoned by two indepemient ~ethotis (soil analysis and radiochemical a~alysis 3? ‘urine) for resiients of R.ongela?Island, Fiongelap A:Q1l. .idditionally, a report has 5een completed on the dose equivzlsnt followi~g renabitation of To>qelzp and Utirik Atolls after the l.!arch1954 evac’~a:ion. This work involved 2eteminat%an of post return thyroid and other organ closeequivalsncs :~r i~dividu.alsar.dpopulation grou?s based on historic snd c~nte~?orary whole ‘>ody zountiag and ur<ze bioassay results.