The Trust Territory cost estimates of February 1968 are to be revised

based on the findings of the present survey and the expressed desires of

the returning Bikinians.

Additional planning cost estimates to be considered

in the final Trust Territory plan will include costs for removing contaminated debris and the cleanup of deteriorated test materials and facilities

left on the islands,

The AEC Honolulu Area Office agreed to provide these

additional planning cost estimates to AEC Headquarters for transmittal to
the Department of the Interior and also provide AEC Headquarters with a
planning cost estimate for the construction phase of the program,

It is possible that the total cost for resettling the Bikinians may well
amount to two million dollars over a seven-year period with additional
costs for cleaning the islands and subsidy costs that will be required
to sustain the Bikinians during the resettlement period. Any claims for
damages contemplated by the Bikinians are not included in these estimates,
The manner of funding this program will be determined at the Washington
level after the Department of the Interior completes their planning phase

sometime in late October.

If the Trust Territory decides on a seven-year

program, it may be possible to fund the program in increments over the sevenyear period,
Follow-on actions will be taken to provide the Department of the Interior
with a statement on the scope of effort and planning cost estimates
required for clearing away the contaminated debris and cleaning up the
deteriorated test materials left on the islands of Bikini and Eneu,
is understood that Commissioner Norwood will be in Washington in late
October for further discussion on the plans and funding aspects for the
Bikini resettlement program,
I will keep you informed as significant progress develops on this matter,


» Giller
Major General, USAF
Assistant General Manager
for Military Application

Dir hf who Fe

Party ~ Bikini Atoll Survey
» Map - Bikini Atoll


Map - Island of Bikini

Map - Island of Eneu
Conclusions and Recommendations
Consideration of Purpose and Ubjective
for Radioactive Scrap Removal
Preliminary and Rough Estimates
Cost Estimate - Agricultural Phase
Cost Estimate - Construction Phase

Select target paragraph3