Section 6, The Lead ct each Federal agency engu,ed in
scientific research shail mke certain that effective executive,


Section 5, The Foundation, in consultation with educctional
institutions, the heads of Federal a,encies, and the Commissioner of
Educztion of the Department of Health, Educution, and welfcre, snall
study the effects upon educational institutions of Federal policies
and administration of contracts and grants for scientific research
and development, and shal] recomend policies and procedures wiich
will promote the attainment of general national research objectives
and realization of the research needs of Federal agencies while
safeguarding the strength and independence of the Nation's
institutions of learning.


organizational, and fiscal practices exist to ensure (a) that tie

Foundation is consulted on policies concerning the support of basic

(b) that approved scientific research programs conducted

by the agency are reviewed continuously in order to preserve priorities
in research efforts and to adjust programs to meet changing conditions
without imposing unnecessary added burdens on budgetary and other
resources, (c) that applied research and development shall be
undertaken with sufficient consideration of the unierlying basic
research and such other factors as relative urgency, project costs,

and availability of manpower and facilities, and (d) that, subject

to considerations of security and applicavle law, udequate
dissemination shall b¥® wade within the Federal Govuermment of reports
on the nature and progress of research projects as an aid to tic
efriciency and economy of the overcll Federal scientific re arch
Section 7.
Federal a encies supporting or eng:iging in
scientific research shall, with the assistance of the Foundniion,
coonerate in an cffort to improve the methods of classificition cond

reporting of scicntific research projects and activities, subject to

the requirements of security of information.

Section 8,

To facilitate tne efficient use of scientific

reseerch equipment and focilitics held oy Federal a,encies:

(a) the head of each such a,ency engsged in scientific
research shall, to the extent practicaole, encourage and facilitate
the shring with other Federal ‘y,cneles of major equipment ind
(>) a Federal a cncy shall procure new mijor egnipment or

:ceilities for scientific research purposes only after taking sui1teble
steps to ascertain that the nced cannot be met adequately from existing
inventories or facilities of it: own cr of other apencies; nd


(c) the Interdepartvental Committee on Scicntific Research

and Development shall tuke necessary steps to cnsure that v3ech Federi1
ugeuney eng.,ed directly in sci_ntifie rescarch is kept irformed of

selected major equipm nt and facilities which could serve tae needs
of more than one a,eney. ach Federal a ency possessing sach
equipment and frecilities 3 1,i all maintain appropriate records to assist
oth.r agencies in arranging for their joint use or exchenye.
Section 9.

The heads of the respective Federal 2Aw uncies

shall make such reports concerning activities within the ;urview of
this order as imay be required by the Prosidcnt.


Tis wilTE HSE,
March 17, 195k.


Select target paragraph3