More than half of all the investment in the Nation today

for scientific research and development is being made by the Federal
Government, In large measure, these Federal funds are paid to industry
and educational institutions for the conduct of research and development

projects. Thus our Federal policies and practices regarding research
and development are felt immediately and substantially by industry and
our educational institutions.
“More than ninety percent of this Federal support is presently
going into applied research and development. This is the practical
application of basic knowledge to a variety of products and devices,

However, only a small fraction of the Federal funds is being used to
stimulate and support the vital basic research which makes possible our
practical scientific progress. I believe strongly that this Nation must
extend its support of research in basic science,
"While the Executive Order which I have signed today calls upon the

National Science Foundation to carry out important responsibilities in

regard to scientific research, it is also designed to strengthen the

conduct and support of vital research and development in the several agencies

where science is important in achieving their assigned missions,

"This order will, for the first time, set in motion important steps
leading to a thorough and continuing review of the status of the Federal
Government's activities in science, and thus enable the Government,
together with industry, higher education, and the scientific community

to move forward with assurance toward the achievement of the Nation's

"Tl expect and believe that thia order will clarify the position of the
Government toward the support and advancement of science in the Nation,
and that it will contribute in a constructive sense to the development of
our national policy in this important and critical area,"

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“This rapid expansion of Federal responsibility requires prudent

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