Department of Commerce
Dr. Allen C. Haile
Secretarial Representative, Region Ix

Federal Building, Box 36135

4SO Golden Gate Avenue (Roan 7429)

San Francisco, California 94102
Telephone: FITS 8-556-5145



“Ms. Mary Dee Beall
Deputy Secretarial Representative

Community Services Administration
Mr. Carl W. Shaw
Chief of Field Operations

Comunity Services Administration

Federal Building, Box 36008

Mr. Stan Allen

Field Representative

450 Golden Gate Avenue (Roam 15211)

San Francisco, California 94102
Telephone: FTS 8-556-5400



Environmental Protection Agency
James E. Thompson

Chief, Pacific Islands Branch
Water Division (W-2), Region IX


Environmental Protection Agency== ssTS

215 Fremont Street


San Francisco, California 94105 _
Telephone:. FTS 8-556-7283


ee ee

General Services Administration

Thomas E. Hannon
Regional Administrator
General Services Administration
525 Market Street


San Francisco, California 94105
Telephone: FTS 8-556-3221

Aki Nakao, Executive Asst
to Regional Administrator
General Services Administration
525 Market Street

San Francisco, CA 94105
Telephone: 556-3221

Department of Health, Education and Welfare

Michael W. Murray.


Principal Regional Official

Department of Health, Education
and Welfare
50 United Nations Plaza

San Francisco, California 94102
Telephone: FTS 8-556-67h6

Harry Kennedy
Pacific Basin Liaison Officer
Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare

20 United Nations Plaza, Room 439
San Francisco, CA 9102
FTS: 8-556-2650

Select target paragraph3