he World Council of Churches oe ; Sixth ASSEMBLY ean Foe te 2+ July - 10 August 1593 Vancouver B.C., Canada 410297 Pocument PR2-2 REPORY OF TRE WORLD COMNCTL OF CHORCHES DOLEGATION TG THLE may 20 MARSHALL TSLANDS to June 4, 1983 Team Members Kara L. Tromas COLE, B. Chairperson: Administrative Secretary of the Friends Tnited Meeting anit member, Board of Governers, National -Couneil of the Churehes of Christ, USA. COCHRAN, Ph.D: Nuclear Physicist serving as a Senior Staff Scientist fOr the Natural Rescurces Defense Council, Washington, D.C. Sariteke NABETARI: General Secretary of Churches. B. David WILLIAMS, I. INTRODUCTION Jr.: Associate the Pacific Conference of Director for Peace Issues, National Council of the Churches cf Christ, USA, until recently Coordinator of the Church and Society Program, Pacific Conference of Churches. Continuing concern expressed by the Pacific churches, through the Pacific Conference of Churches, plus requests {rem the Marshall Isiands caused the WCC tu consider sending this small delegation. A final decision was made in consultation with leaders of the United Church of Christ in lhe Marshalls and the Roman Catholic Church there. The team was hosted and its basic local itinerary suggested by a local ecumenical planning cummittee comprised of leaders from the United Church and the Catholic Church. The purposes of the visit were: (i) to assess problem as an environmental and health hazard; SCcial and human cost of the US the residual radiation (ii) military presence; to study the (iii) to consult with the churches of the Marshalls regarding these questicns; and (iv) to explore with the churches, in the context of the WCC's standing concerns for peace and disarmament, long-term strategies fer mebilizing the commitment of the churches around the world on these issues. BEST COPY AVAILABLE