Volume 66, No. 6
June 1967



there are 10 units, and at 7 times 7 (49 hr),
1 unit.
A word has to be said about local factors

involved, because these have played a major

role in the Marshallese explosion. In gen-

eral, one can differentiate underwater explosions, underground explosions, surface
explosions, low-altitude, and high-altitude
explosions. One critical factor is whether
the fireball created by the explosion touches
the earth or the ocean. If it does, it can
volatilize as much as 100,000 tons of earth,
water, and debris; and this large mass of
material produces two effects on fallout.
First, the volatilized material is subjected

to neutron radiation so that large amounts
of induced isotopes are produced, and sec-

ondly, as the mass of volatilized material

expands and cools, it condenses and pro-

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duces particles large enoughtosettle to the
ground. In the Marshall Islands after the
explosion, there was so much of this material that large white particles drifting
down from the sky gave the appearance of
a snowfall. This is close-in fallout, and it
occurs from 10 to 100 miles from the point
of detonation. It results from an injection
of large amounts of material into the trophosphere (the atmosphere from ground level to 10 miles). Stratospheric injection,
which is into the earth’s atmosphere more
than 10 miles from the ground, results in
a much more general fallout because of the

much slower settling of debris that has a
half-time of some years. In general, this
type of injection occurs with high-level ex-

plosions, and the fallout is worldwide in
The biological consequences of radioactive fallout are complicated by several

factors. If radioiodine falls out on pasture,
cows grazing there can consume relatively
large amounts of anything deposited on the
grasses. In addition, the iodine is concentrated in the milk 10 to 40 times the level
in blood; hence, the radioiodine in milk

humans who. consume“milk concentrate
about one third of theradioiodine that
they ingest in their own thyroids. Iodine in

the human thyroid remains in the gland
a long time; in a normal individual iodine

in the thyroid has a half-life of 60 days.

One additional factor is the problem of the
child versus the adult. A l-year-old child,
for example, has a I-g thyroid; an adult
has a 20-g thyroid. The proportional uptake in both is the same, so that the child

has roughly 20 times as much radioiodine
deposited per gram of thyroid tissue as an
Wecan rather briefly conclude and point
out that fallout depends on a variety of
‘circumstances. It depends on the nuclear
device exploded. It depends on where it is
exploded so that it can give close-in fallout,
medium trophospheric fallout, or longrange stratospheric fallout. The problems
associated with fallout depend on the kind

of isotopes involved. In the case of iodine

it is complicated by biological concentration through cattle and through humans,
and there is every reason to expect that it
could be a serious consequenceof fallout.
Dr. Rossins: Ordinarily we leave discussion until the end, but we are going to
shift emphasis somewhathere, so if anyone
in the audience has any questions on the
technical matters that Dr. Rall has brought
up, we could have some questions now.

Dr. JAN Worrr: Is there a chemical selection at the moment of fission favoring
one element of a given mass over another
of the same mass?
Dr. RAL: In general, there is no chemical fractionation or preference in the production of fission products. Thefinal result,
however, depends on whetherisotopes of a
given mass are stable and how long- or

short-lived they may be if they are radioactive,

Dr. PHILIPPE V. CaRpon: You said that
there was a yield of 2.5% for 31E in a thermonuclear explosion. If there is a ground
burst does that go up substantially?



has been concentrated considerably over
that deposited on the ground. Finally, the


Select target paragraph3