1.4 Recommendations
Based on its review of the scope and nature of the Marshall Islands accident and the low
potential for furtherdevelopmentofradiogenic health outcomes, sufficient to influence current
risk estimates, the ORAU team recommends a medical monitoring program aimed at early
diagnosis and treatment to the benefit of individuals in the exposed population. Specific
recommendations are made on the desired composition of the medical team, and the need for
an evaluation program comprising standardized examinations components to which additional
tests could be added to benefit the patient as indicated by the health of the patient or technical
and scientific advances.
Standardized examination components of an optimal monitoring program are enumerated, and
standards for data collection, maintenance, preservation and quality assurance are
recommended. The use of ultrasound is not recommended for routine thyroid examinations
of asymptomatic patients because of the high incidence in the general populationofclinically

non-significant thyroid tumors. Further attempts at biodosimetry using cytogenetic techniques
currently are discouraged for this population as they are unlikely to provide useful information.





Select target paragraph3