
Possible Exposure Misclassification

Radiation doses received by residents on the otheratolls may have been as high or higher
than the residents of Utirik. The residents of other atolls were not evacuated as were

those on Rongelap and Utirik and may have had continued exposure.

Pooled Exposure Data

The use of pooled urine samples and population dose estimates resulted in the inability to
assign dose estimates to individual Marshallese Islanders.

Uncertainties in Instrument Calibration

Instruments used for measuring exposure were uncalibrated in some instances. Variations
and errors in the collection and analysis of urine samples used in the radiation dose
estimates also were reported.

Possible Case Ascertainment Bias


Diagnostic differences may exist between the exposed and unexposed control
populations because medical services have been provided by different systems. The
unexposed control group has been referred to the Marshallese health care system

if further work-up was indicated. Further referrals are made on the basis of
priorities established by a medical committee in Majuro. The exposed group has
been referred to tertiary care centers in the U.S. by a medical screening team.

Regular participation in a medical screening program may reduce all-cause death

rates among Marshall Islanders. If so, the result may be underestimation of the
effects of radiation.

Vital record information was obtained from informal sources. Because medical

visits were periodic, interim cause of death information was obtained largely from


Select target paragraph3