
Association Between the Early Medical Findings and the Radiation Exposure

The early findings summarized above were reported in detail in the clinical reports (5).
Their incidence and severity are consistent with current knowledge and experience of the

acute effects of radiation doses in the ranges estimated for the Marshallese. The systemic
effects are attributable to external whole-body exposure to penetrating (gamma)radiation.
Thelesions of the integumentum are consistent with exposure to beta radiation from fall-

out deposited non-uniformly over exposed body surfaces. However, attribution of the
reported early medical findings to the doses of radiation received is circuitous, because the

dose were estimated primarily on the basis of the acute clinical effects. Nevertheless,it is
highly probable, even definite, that the observed early effects were caused by exposure to
radiation, associated with the Bravo detonation. Thus the observed early effects are
probable, both in terms of radiation exposure and estimated doses.

Association Between Subsequent Health Experience of the Marshallese and Their
Radiation Exposure in 1954 Medical conditions probably related to the radiological exposure

Based on currentscientific knowledge of the health effects of the types and levels of
radiation to which the Marshall Islanders were exposed, the following medical conditions
probably are related to radiation exposure to internally deposited radionuclides
incorporated by the Marshall Islanders from thefall-out in 1954. Each conditionis
discussed in terms of the period of time during which eachis expected to appear among

individuals who received sufficient exposure.
Thyroid nodules probably resulted from these exposures. New cases would be expected to
appearfor the first twenty-five to thirty years following the exposure, that isduring the
1981 to 1985 five-year period.

Decreased thyroid function and thyroid cancer most probably resulted and (can be
expected to appear up until the year 2000 years) and the population can be considered at


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