some of the animals whose tissues were sampled after the exposure. It is difficult to
separate oral intakes from inhalation intakes in which material was later swallowed. Table

5 gives worst case dose estimates for marrow,skeleton and gastrointestinal tract based on
the initial body burdens in Table 3.


TABLE 5. Worst Case* Dose Estimates for Skeleton, Marrow, and GI Tract for the Marshallese

| Islanders Based on Estimates of Initial Radionuclide Body Burdens

Estimated Radiation Dose (mGy)




Bone Surfaces

Red Marrow




* Highest dose assuming all inhalation or all ingestion, inhalation class and solubility
category chosen by worst case. For inhalation cases, intake assumed to be (Body Burden

+ 0.63), where 0.63 is the fraction of a 1jsm serosol inhaled which is deposited in the lung.
Dose estimates taken from ICRP Publication 30.

** Smalj intestine, upper large intestine, or lower large intestine - highest estimate.


Additional Absorbed Doses During Rehabilitation

In an analysis of the exposures to internal and external radiation sources that may have
occurred during rehabilitation of Rongelap and Utirik, Lessard et al. studied the dietary
intakes of cesitum-137, zinc-65, cobalt-60, strontium-90 and iron-55. Based on their

analyses of excreta and on in-vivo measurements, and interpretation of biological retention
functions, the authors concluded that from 1954 to 2004 the inhabitants returned to Utirik
will receive an additional 0.044 Gy and that from 1957 to 2007 inhabitants on Rongelap
will receive an additional 0.025 Gy from these nuclides. These dose equivalents are
committed effective whole-body dose equivalents integrated over the 50 years following
repatriation. The values have large uncertainties associated with them because f the

uncertainties in the analyses. Standard deviations associated with the estimates of
committed effective dose equivalent from individual nuclides vary from 52% to over 600%.
Data onthe intake of plutonium-239 were limited, and no attempt was made to reach any

conclusions about the dose equivalent received from this nuclide. From external radiation


Select target paragraph3