and Utirik indicated that radioactive fall-out may have been transported to otherislands.
An instrument reading on Utirik (classified as non-exposed) was 0.01 Gy/hr (1 rad/hr) one
hourafter detonation. Furthermore,a statistically significant increase in the incidence of
thyroid tumors over background rates was observed in residents of atolls thought to be
non-exposed (33). Collectively, these findings suggest that the geographic area
Tepresenting the “exposed” population may have been much broader thanoriginally

thought, and therefore, the exposed population may be muchlargerthaninitially reported.
In addition, some inhabitants of nearby atolls chosen as part of the "non-exposed" group
may have received cumulative radiation doses similar to, or even higher than, those

exposed on Utirik (33).
Radiation Dose Estimates
The estimates of radiation dose calculated by various groups are discussed with respect to
these three sources of radiation to which the Marshallese were exposed.

External Whole-Body Doses from the Plume

Current knowledge and practice indicates that two approaches may be taken to estimate
the residents’ externa! whole-body doses from sources in the passing plumeoffall-out
materials. One wouid be a theoretical approach, in which the known device yield and
characteristics are used to calculate a source term, and other plumetransport and
radiation production; attenuation and scattering models are used to estimate typical
absorbed doses near ground. Another approach would be to use observed survey meter
readings, integrating dosimeter readings, etc, at the various locations over time to estimate
residents’ absorbed doses.
The early attempts to characterize the external whole-body radiation doses used recorded

survey meter and dosimeter readings. These initial estimates are shown in Table 1. The
Rongeiap inhabitants were thought to have received the highest doses, because of their
proximity to the blast and the approximately two-day delay before evacuation. Although
Ailingnae is physically closer to Bikini than either Rongelap or Utirik (see Figure 1),it is








Select target paragraph3