the estimates of the whole-body doses of radiation received from both external and
internal sources.

In summary,it is clear that the Marshallese initially were exposed to radiation from the
detonationvia all three of the major exposure routes, i.e., externally from sources of
penetrating radiation and contamination, and from internally deposited radionuclides.
4.2.3 Potential for Protracted Exposures
The populations evacuated from Utirik and Rongerik were returned to their homes in
1954 and 1957, respectively. These groups may have received additional doses of radiation
from exposureto residual activity on the atolls, and ingestion of contaminated food and

water. The evacuees from Rongelap also were repatriated in 1957. However, in 1985
they were re-evacuated to Kwajalein where theyare still living. This re-evacuation was
prompted in part by the Marshallese’ concern about residual activity on Rongelap.

The Exposed Population
According to early reports of the incident, the four groups considered to have been

exposed comprised a total of 267 people. Of these, 28 were U.S. servicemen stationed on
Rongerik, the remainder (239) were inhabitants of the Marshall Islands who were located
as shown on Table1.


Select target paragraph3