structures in the dermis and subcutaneous tissue such as sweat glands,hair follicles and
nerve endings, as well as the vasculature. Resulting progressive endarteritis obliterans can
lead to ischemicpain, ulceration, and at higher doses to irreversible tissue necrosis. Contamination

Contamination with radioactive materials alone is unlikely to cause symptoms of ARS,
although clinical signs of bone marrow depression and oligospermia are possible depending

on the amountandradiological characteristics of the contaminant andits disposition on or
in the body. It can result in local radiation-induced burns of the skin at the contaminated

Delayed Clinical Features

Somedeterministic effects of acute radiation exposure may not becomeclinically evident
for several months or years post-exposure; these include: Vascular sclerosis, fibroatrophy

Endothelialcells lining blood vessels are sensitive to radiation at doses above 5 Gy. Death
of these cells predisposes to vascular sclerosis with the eventual reduction orelimination
of the blood supply to dependent tissues; such tissues ultimately atrophy. Evidence of
these delayed changes may be observed within two or more months after irradiation of

skin at doses 6 Gy and higher.

. Cataracts

Radiation-induced cataracts are associated with exposure of the lens to an acute radiation
dose of about 2 Gy or more, or a protracted dose totally about 1.1 Gy over a period of

months. Theinterval between the exposure and cataract formation ranges from about 10
months up to approximately 30 years, depending on the dose and dose-rate.

Select target paragraph3