An investigation of the radioactive contamination of the water and
marine organisms in and near the Eniwetok Test Site was


during May 1958, shortly before and immediately following an underwater nuclear detonation.

At the end of three and one-half days the

boundaries of the radioactive water mass extended beyond the survey
area, 50 miles to the west of Eniwetok Atoll, and to a depth of at least

300 meters.

The plankton contained high levels of Np239, Mo99-

Tc99mM, Te132-7132) and U237_

Also present in lower amounts were

Cel4l-py141 Ru103_Rp 103 Ba!40.7,9140 Zr95-Nb25, and Ce!44pri44,

Ru106. pp 106 and Rul05_Rp_105 were detected once in each

of two samples,
Whole fish samples contained essentially the same radioisotopes

as the plankton.

Shrimp and squid contained high levels of Np239

and Te132-1132 put no detectable


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