
lusteroid test tubes.

Oxalate fractions
The oxalate fraction of the primary ion-exchange separation of
sample P-6 was dried and redissolved in concentrated HCl for the
Berar of the transition elements, as described by Kraus and
The sample was passed through a 0.28 cm2 x 26-cm column
containing Dowex-1-(200-400 mesh).

Determination of strontium-90

Samples of plankton and a sample of shrimp were analyzed for gr90


by the ion-exchange method of Kawabata and Held.

The ashed sample

was first treated with 80 per cent HNO3 to remove strontium from the
bulk of the sample and from most of the other radioisotopes present.
The solution containing the strontium nitrate precipitate was filtered
through a glass filter and was then dissolved in hot 0.2N HCl.


cooling, it was passed through a cationic resin column and possible
contaminants were eluted from the column with 0.5 per cent oxalic
acid and 5 per cent ammonium citrate at pH 3.5. . The column was then

stored for 14 days to allow the y2 daughter to build up.

The Y9° was

reeluted from the column with ammonium citrate at pH 3. 5 and


amount of Sr20 present was calculated from the amount of ¥99 recovered.
The identity of y90 was confirmed by determining the decay rate of the
sample eluted.



Select target paragraph3