
wire cable.

The maximum tension obtained during the deepest trawl was

approximately 6, 000 pounds as measured by adynamometer.
age tension while trawling was approximately 3, 500 pounds.

The averDetails of

each trawl haul are given in Appendix Table B.
After the small fish, shrimp, and miscellaneous plankton were sepa-~

rated, portions of each of these were placed on planchets for beta counting
and in pliofilm bags for gamma counting.

Radiochemical analyses were

made of six samples by ion-exchange techniques.

Four series of water samples, one before and three following - the
Wahoo detonation, were obtained from casts with Nansen bottles made by
personnel of the U. S. Navy Hydrographic Office.

The last three series

consisted of seven samples obtained from depths of 0 to 300 meters,
whereas the first series consisted of nineteen samples from depths of 0
to 1,039 meters.

Details of each sample are given in Table 1.

Five hundred ml of water were passed through a Millipore filter
47 mm in diameter and with a pore size of 0. 45y to collect the particu-

late matter present in the water.

The filter paper was placed on a 1-1/2-

inch stainless steel planchet, dried, and dissolved with acetone,

counted for total beta activity.


Four ml of saturated sodium carbonate

were added to 80 m1 of the filtrate, and the carbonate precipitate was
collected on a second Millipore filter paper and counted for beta activity.
Naturally occurring K40 normally present in sea water to the extent of


Select target paragraph3