4a: OL717 Bowling Green State University Manfred Temme Environmental Studies Center Bowling creeO02.0207 372-020 June, 19, 1979 Dear Roger, enclosed you will find a map of Eneweralk Atoll. The circles and the sections reoresent percentages of incidences or abnormal palatal ridge Pattern (mutations) in rets, Found during my collecting trip in Novembcr 1978. The numbers inside of the atoll ring are radiation doses which I found in the popular brochure:"Aadiologicel Conditions At Enewetak Atoll And Protection Gf Future Residents" March 1975, from the "United States Energy Assearcn And Development Administretion". I am (H Sure there are more "scientific" data available than these. However, looking at these numbers they seem to correlate with the incidences of deformation af the palatel ridges of rats, Could you please have a person check these numbers, map, Fill out the and explain in more deteil what they are (maxima, means, long tern, short term radiation velues, etc.)? IL am esoecially interested in Lugjor, Aomon, Bigjire, Lojwa, Japten, Ikuren and Kidrenen. If there are ori nm ts on tnis subject I would be very thankful to receive them. I would be also greateful if a quick response would be possible. Very sincerely vours, (Mecufred OP Oo, on Jw oe re wee eT Se, ae! quam, jose a ere iM oP & BH an '