It was hough thet the redtoectivity in the samples of Asparagupeis

we ‘a

cotlected ia early March might be due to 8 short half-life iectape reeait
tag from ths: teet ef March |. 1054

at Bikini.

ia order to vorivly this

aseumption series ef counts for determining radicective half life were
taitiated at the Emiwetok laboratory.

Duplicate sampiee were seat to

the home laboratory at the University :( Washington for more complete


The revelts of tests conducted on samples collected at Eniwe.

tok and Roagelap Atolls from March through June are gives in Tabie 0

Plote of the radioactive decay uf three samples of Aepaeragopeis are
shown ia Figure |


~ ab

The reeatts of the half life swudies aad re@ochemi: a! saslyses® indi
cate that at least 90 percem of the radicectivity in Asperag psis was due

to 1'31

The half life of the isotope coatributing #0 percent of the radiv

activity 1a Asperagopeis was found to be 7 6 to 8 S days

TWis compares

well with the accepted vaise for 1!3! which is gives as 8 14 days (5).


lowest values obtained at Eniwetok may have been due t. the presence of

Cheadraia et al

(2) and ia as follows

The éried signe were heated several

miantes with NaCiO aad 0 1 8 NaOS conteiniag iodine carrier (added as Ki),

Nitered. and discarded
The toding ta the sulutiua was reduced with hydro.
sylamine hydrochior.ide. extracted iato CCl, end re-extracted \ato water
comtaining a little Diewlfite
The sequeves solution was acidified and treated
with sodium aitrate
The estrection into carvee tetrachiveide aad \ato
water was repeated
The twdine wa. precipitated from the reeultiag solu

tive as ailver iodide and counted in an iaternal gaa flow couater

Select target paragraph3