
om t Gysail,

me ee


During the weapons wenng program of Operatiua Cantie at Bakinm and
Eniwetok Atolls in the apriag of 19394

the Appiied bisneries Laboratory

of the University of Wastingtua carried out studies on the uptaze of radioactive materiale ia a variety Wf aquatic and terrestrial plants and anmals

In additi nite the programmat« studies, exploratory studies ala: were


comtinucd includsag @ study of the reef algae
Coltections of algae from near the Marine Biological laboratory m


Parry |Islana) Emwetvuu Atoll, indicate that @ enell red aiga (Aspete
gops:s) has a remarkable affinsty for isdine as measured by (Re uptanr

of p31 immediately folluwiag weapon detomations at tne Pacific Proving
Gr vuad


Colle: oa of Mate rial

immediately folluging the March |.

(954 experiment at Hikia Atoll.

\t Wes UBeerved that the bac aground level of radivectivity om ine reef 4
the seaward side Wi Parry isiand ned iacreased

Moet uf the ages gre

tag of the reef had only signtly tugher readiags than the De. agr wan ieve.

the level for Asperagupeie tazilormis (Deliic) (. line eam


vey. a delicate, branching red alga, was uneupectediy




Radivassays were made of algae collected at Parry and Bogembogo
laiande during March.
are given in Table I.

April, and May,


The reeults 4 these otudine

Select target paragraph3