the water wen 24.700 d/m/g and the activity due to 113! in ime algpe wae

$0,000, 000 d/m/g

The cuntribution of 1!3! to the total activity of a fis-

sion products mixtere at 10 days ie 6 8 percemt, therefore, aseuming the
Putio to be the same, the activity ta the weter due to 113! wee 1, $80 d/un/g

Thue the cuncestration factor for |'3!' wy me signe was 17.800)

if ucher

ene Nee amennee cote

+ ee

iodine isctopes are coasidered tue figure would prubadly be higher
The role uf iodine in @e physiolegy 1 the algae is eneertain, bu! it hee

nee ar a ee ed

beea detected as mineral iodide (5.6) ce well as the 1c@> amine seid iodetryoeine (3,6)

[1 ia sue graeraily eccepted thet iodine oecers ia Both

forme and that the ratio of the two varies is the different species of signe


Tre abeorption of 1'3! nas been shown to be asencisted with reapers:

tion (4), since its uptake in Ascophyiium, a brown sign, decreases when
Mitrogea ta used im place of ogygon

The epecimens of agupsis from

Kaiwetot vere collected ia a regica of peundiag curl ent active water muve

we We


mem, coedtitens fevoriag mazimum serettoe cad menimem eptaie of pi3:

iu stone

't Nas been cbeerved from the iaveetigatices follv@ing the weapons tests
at the Pacific Proving Growad that a red eign, Asger agupets taniformis. hae

o remertabte effiasty fur !'3! om tectope with a Ralf life uf 6 14 dayo

It ie

beliewed that the alge mey prove esefel of an iadic ater / redhesctive fallout


from aecleer éetoestioas

Select target paragraph3