


plutonium contaminated waste, there is a considerable
amount of World War II debris and debris from the nuclear
test program, much of which is also contaminated with
Renabilitation of Eniwetok in a manner

Similar to that conducted at Bikini will require removal
of all scrap and the burial grounds and removal and:
replacement of plutonium contaminated soil.

Additional Background Information
Eniwetok atoll consists of 42 islands surrounding a lagoon
25 miles long by 20 miles wide.
Tne total land area is
226 square miles.
In February of 1944, tne atoll was
taken by United States forces.
One of the islands in the

atoll [Engebi) was reported to be the most heavily bom-

barded area in the Pacific.

The United States was granted

UN trusteeship at the end of World War II. Certain islands
including Bniwetok were reserved for military use and were
not placed under Trust Territory jurisdiction and present
access to the atoll is under U. S. Navy control.
In 1946,

the 136 Eniwetokese were resettled in Ujelanj atoll 150
miles to tne southeast.
Since 1958, following the nuclear

test moratorium, Eniwetok was an impact and scoring area
for ICBM's launched from Vandenberg AFB. The atoll has
not been used as an impact area since 1969. Two beryllium
fuel rocket engine tests were conducted on the island of
Engebi in 1966 and 1969.



Select target paragraph3