401757 aroty OTI:PAD Wachholz: 7/27/78 OESD Mr. Richard Kopaken McCraw Covington and Burling 11th Floor 81é Connecticut Avenue, N.. Washington, D. C. 20006 7/27/79 OHER: HHAD Dear Hr. Kopaken: Weyzen Although the enclosed article from the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, “Plutonium Concentrations in Fish and Seawater from Kwajalein Atoll," has not yet appeared in the scfentific literature, it has been accepted for publication by Health Physics. It probably will not be published for several months yet. Because of this, it should not be used as a reference article. _ Knowing of your cons{derable interest in the subject matter, I dtd request--and receive--a preprint of the article, preprint UCRL-81653. Please note that this copy fs for your information only, and inti] its publication in the open literature, ft should not be cited. We are still attempting to track ship's logs and records per your request, and will forward same when available. Sincerely, Bruce ®. Hachholz, Ph.t. Office of Environment Enclosure bec: Ms. Clusen, ASEV Mr. Hollister, ADASEVve Dr. Weyzen, OHER™ ~ Mr. Facer, DP Mr. Deal, OESD Mr. McCraw, OESD ir. Brown, OGC Mrs. Van Cleve, DOI BEST COPYAVAILABLE 7/1/78 DP Facer 7/ {79 oac Brown 7/ {79