Hon. A. P. Winkel 2 reimbursed by DOE under our agreement. of May 2, 1978, (copy attached) Per Mr. Rodger Cotting’s letter and meetings held in Majuro, we were advised that there might be unpaid claims between $40 and $60 thousand. We advised that we had $45 thousand in hand to reimburse TTPI but to date we have received no invoice. The cable 290928Z Sept indicated to us that the then Acting Director of Operations may have had a misunderstanding of the problem. It is of course up to the TTPI to “process claims documents". I don't know at this point what else we can do except to reiterate to you the DOE committment to pay these claims and that $45 thousand is available at PASO awaiting claims documents. (This basically is what we told the Utirik Magistrate.) DOE Headquarters recently paid $22,321 to the TTPI against an invoice of $24,365 and this was the final payment from them since the remaining funds for this purpose have been transferred to our office. When we address the issue to the Marshallese people who come under this agreement or have unpaid claims, we most certainly want to let them know that efforts are ongoing to pay these claims. From our point of view it would be very helpful to hear from you soon as to when the documents might be ready for us to review and pay. In view of the short time available to both of us to coordinate our thoughts on this problem, I have asked Harry to check in with Scott Stege when he arrives on Kwajalein and review the TfPI position with him. In the meantime, the Department of Energy continues to draft agreement to replace EY~76~-A-28-3159. This will track with TTPI PL. 7-116 which in effect replaced PL. have that completed and ready for signature within the put together a to a great extent 5-52. We hope to next 60 days. Sincerely, Ove oyY Gg ote 0 Wi. J. Ci iNLEY W. J. Stanley Director OP-068 HUB:idh Attachments: 4d. TWX 2701302 Aug 78 2. TWX 020030Z Sept 78 3. cc: TWX 1200302 Sept 78 Saipan, w/fattachs 4. TWX 160050Z Sept 78 Scott Stege, UTPI/LNO Kwajalein, dtd. = M3 woh? fost cst co cm. 5. TWX 2909282 Sept 78 6. Mr. R. Cotting’s ltr. Roger Ray, APO/NV, w/attachs DISTAD Majuro, w/fattachs Terry Garrett, Fin.Div., HQ/TTPI 5/2/78 w/fattachs Dr. Walter Weyzen, w/o attachs DOE/Washington, “7.