Professor Lopes


October 23, 1953

encountered in peeling contaminated potatoes, wt one might assume
that if all washable contamination were removed, very little would
rub off during peeling. Leafy vegetables oresent a further problem.
it has been found that such Leaves are cleaned only with great
difficulty. ne could only wash such vegetables as well as possible,

then monitor them to determine whether the radioactivity were small

enough to be ingested safely.

It should be emphasized that the mere presence of measureable

radioactivity dees not make food or water unfit Zor consumption.

Absorption of atomic debris from the intestinal tract is relatively

low, so that considerable quantities can be ingested without serious
hazard. knolosed are two technical bulletins prepared by the Federal
Civil Jefense Administration which discuss this phase of your
It is possible that the Quartermaster Corps of the JU. S. Army has
actually made some studies on foods subjected to atomic explosions,
about wnich we nave no information. You may wish to inquire of then

I believe that the inquiry should be addressed to Office of the
Quartermaster Corps, 2500 South 20th Utreet, Philadelpitia.
I hope that this discussion may De of some value to you.
Very truly yours,

Valter ). Claus
Chief, ilophysics Branch

Division of Hology and Medicine

Enclosures «= 2
le FCDA TEl11-9
2. FCDA Tiell-3

Mre Corsbie, CDLB

fe FQ








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