make him interested in an air measurement has to do with


which in principle one can also calculate with no troutlesThere4Sects
one is on the ground he is looking at one quarter of a sphere » if up in the

air, ata hemisphere,

This apparently showed up .uite strongly on Mike, but

as he remembered it it came out about as calculations would imicate,

Scoville said the DOD would put up a small nominal sum for this



Fed)VWechnical Photosraphy - (EG&G and Signel Corps)

9.2 \Wining Signals - Hs<)

9.3 Meteorological Documentation
Ogle quegtioned why these should be designated as projects, since

they appear to be more in the line of support functions, For example, the
timing ami firing work has been set up as a separate task unit, Fhotosraphy
can probably be hahdied as it was for Ivy, since EG&G are in this already,

The Task Force will supply a lerge weather service which should be sufficient,
and there are also requitements for certain atmospheric comlitions at shot

time because of the bali-of fire photography,

Scoville creorieted for them this was an organizational problem,

they mist get money appropri
for these services and have to account for
the cost, They have also f
eful to have one person worry about and
coordinate all requirements of
rt. Therefore, they would like to keep
this program for administrative
ses, but would not require reports,

There will be a large
DOD experimenters, among them Aronson'$

of requests for photography from the
jhlast projects (this will include

aerial motion pictures for shock velocity over water and base surge); crater
survey) locating Thaler's buoys. The
an is for photo stations on
Bogeallua, Parry, Hikini Island, Enyu, ami v
probably the Mack coral head.
There is also the possibility of having the!
sort of stations as were on
Engebi for Mike shot, that is, cameras in steel boxes for which we furnished
the concrete bases, This might be done in a few oe where signals are
available. EG&G will do aerial photography from e point of view of cloud


The DOD would like to have EG&G do their phdtography, had mentioned
the Signal Corps just in case EG&G were too busy to doit. Arenson would like
to contact them directly, especially since one may po
y need to activate

additional camera stations, (Ogle said that at the moment 6
bably know
their plans better than they do.)

Scoville was reasonahly sure the Task Force can
all the
meteorological data they need; it is just a question of callecting the
requiremer.s from the various projects,


Select target paragraph3