Scoville agreed that if one can predict within 10%, measurements
were not necessary, but he did not think this is true yet. Blunda felt that
if the RDB approved this and it does not interfere with diagnostic measurements, its inclusion should not be argued. He pointed out that we only have
data_on_ one large-yield surface shot, and recalled the Buster blast measure-

ments, | Tears flowed like wine.

Cax proposed to go up to about 200 psi for these measurements,

sincehe hadrno faith in the Ivy measuraments over 20 pai.

BRL, SRI, and

Sandia have \gl1 expressed interest in this work. One of the proposals for
mM om the water shots is to measure the rate of travel of the

shock along e-water photographically. (.11 agreed that this is a
desirable methd¢}}clean and simple.) Also, BRL will prooftest at Inothole

sare 60 self-re ording pressure-time gauges, which should take same of the

strain off theinstrumentation.

Blunda *riphed to add that if the DOD measurements can all be done
at Bikini, they would; have no program on Iniwetok.

Ogle was still hat convinced much instrumentation should be

included, agreed that somg /wes warranted.



Free Air Pressures ase Function of Time (Parachute-suspended
Canisters) -(AFCRC) ©)

This project has been c
requirement by the Air Force, Th

air burst; if not, AFSP would ask
that they do not want this test. I

AFSWP would net push it amy further.
for a surface shot.

d by AFSUT, was not presented as a
d want it definitely if there is an

Air Force to re-examine it end recertify
re satisfied with the Itike results,


should have that decision next ircek

1.4 Shock Hinds and Afterwinds - (Sandi)

Cox has said he feels there-should bea check on his like results,

and Scoville thought this would involve instrumentafion at two stations.

There is interest in the precursor stage, which is pf
air drop but Thaler thought that even on a surface
chance of a precursor, if there is enough thermal


more importence on an

burst there is a definite
ahead of the shock


1.5 Undervacer Pressure-Time Measurements - (ONR, NOL)


These have already had some discussion (see Section [i], B).

They are desired both in the lagoon and for the deep water shdti,/ as st-=ted
earlier, for different reasons—the lagoon work is in connection“with harbor
defense interests.

Select target paragraph3