ii t The DCD has made two proposals for the Castle tests which they
to explore at this time and if possible reach a decision on.


Ag (puRsT


Scoviihe described how this proposal arose.


In the last meeting of

the Committee.on itamic Energy, Or. Bethe brought up the subject that he
considered'|,ieJnighly desirable to airburst a large-yield weapon at
approaching<an operational height. This was discussed to a slight extent

by the members of the CAZ, with mention also of the advantages here for

testing the whole: delivery system as well as obtaining scientific information,

and they recommended itbe investigated.

AFS/P representatives then talked

with General Fields (Paul Fine and Col Huston were also there) and they said
they would initiate tie, investigation of the possibility of having one of
the shots changed fran,|rate to an air burst on Castle.


One of the primary
s given br Bethe was evidence fram Mike Shot
that there was possibly s
ting of the atmosphere. This evidence
could also indicate refractién’
to atmospheric inhomogeneities. One of
the other interests from the
ry standpoint is an opportunity to

compare thermal radiation resul


King Shot with a larger weapon.

Ogle outlined the present
of this proposal. It reached LASL
about two weeks ago and there was a
ting here of the people concerned.
The conclusion of that meeting was +t
we are very mich opposed to such
a shot. There are two reasons. J Division could probably carry out the
tests, but it would be mich more of a 1
e second and more important
reason is that we have nothing to air drop
within that time. The bombs
that are to be prooftested at Castle will
built in such a manner that

theoretically they could be dropped from a pl.
etc.), but in fact none of the ballistics will

(eege, they will have fins,
have sufficient tests an

them by that time. For example, the air drops pm the
systems will not be done until something like aiyear


We are

umilling to put on these bombs, which we don't know Yery mich about, the
additional uncertainty that comes about because of te to carry then
around in a plane, then drop them and not know exactly-“wWhat they are like
the last half hour or so.

So, from the point of view of LASL. the bembs will datpe in such a

situation that the Laboratory would be willing to drop tem, Fran J Divisionts
point of view, we would have to carry both methods of testing forward, then

Select target paragraph3