Also, there are the sample return planes,


These planes will all be based on Sniwetok Island
The 2000 men this represents, then, mst now be housed et

% is not planned to evacuate Inivetok for any shot.
a real capacity to do so, in case of emergency.

However, there

Should evacuation

be necestary, it will almost surely be for more than a day.

is dated above, after the

shot on Bikini everyone there

s. A command decision has been made that there can be no
manned stations|a Bikini,
The Task-Force Headquarters and most of the people associated with

the airplanes will jlive on Eniwetok Island, so that while the number of

experimental people may not be much larger’than on Bikini (where there are
actually more shot$),the major proportion of the people will still be on




The shots on Enivetibk will be fired from the same control building

as used in the past, exdent: that it will be enlarged.

will be fired from a ship, aefor Mike.

of J-6, the group at LASL which is

ting requirements for instmment

stations and other construction, power, {timing signals, etc.

jafter which they are sent to their
responsibility for providing the
design work, rather than
shed designs.
with which requirements
be ready in tine.

tet ol


The folloa:ing chart will illustrate the urg
for construction must be submitted, or they will


with the ASC, they prefer that HZN do the a
having separate experimenters submit their

ve the blast, etc.) lies

rt ny

facilities requested (and seeing that they


requirements go to the AEC for approvwalj
contractor, Halmes and Narver. Since the

From J-46, the


Campbell explained the fun

responsible for collecting and c

The shots on Bikini

Select target paragraph3