DR. DUNHAM di..ussed the budget which appears ,uite adequate for
1958 but presente immediate problems because of the pressure among
contractors for increases in salaries as well as
other expenses.


DR. WARREN emphasized the need for much of the
research information now,and asked if the ACBM
could offer any assistance in the way of a
statement or resolution in order to avoid losing

seven or eight months in the research program through delayed
expansion. Further discussion of this resulted in the preparation
of a resolution as follows:

The ACBM reviewed with the staff of the Division
of Biology and Medicine not only the Division's
traditional duties, but also those many special

additional responsibilities demanded by the present
situation ot envisaged eighteen months ago when
the present personnel ceiling and budget were
The Committee believes that under

present circumstances, the Division cannot continue to deliver the present high standard of
guidance of health policies and the provision

of factual date without immediate reinforcement.

We note with satisfaction that this situation has

been recognized for Fiscal Year 1958 and that in
the last few days additional funds have been

assured for 1958.

However, the present situation

as to funds, personnel and space, has been
rendered acute by the emergent demands placed on
the Division by its crucial role in determining
the long-range effects of radioactive fallout
and related matters.
The immediacy of these requests requires action

The resolution was passed unanimously.

Select target paragraph3