The meeting was turned over by the Chairman to Dr. Dunham for the
presentation of the progress report of the Division of Biology and
Medicine. Dr. Dunham distributed the two long awaited reports*
cOvering the surveys done of the Marshall Island natives after the

fallout incident during the "Castle" test series.


DR. DUNHAM reported on the activity for the past two months which
included many international visitors and also the problem of strontium
fallout. The recent political campaign had resulted
in many inquiries on the subject.


He also reviewed

briefly the current routine activities of Dr. Dunning
in cooperation with AFSWP group and the Sandia
group on the plutonium problem and also the northern
and southern hemispheric monitoring. A symposium
is planned in the near future on the short-term

effects of fallout.

DR. DUNHAM reported on the

recent biomedical program Directors’ meeting at Idaho Falls and the
particular interest in the implementation of the new radiation
dose limits.

An attempt is being made to correlate the American (gummed paper)

method of collecting fallout with that of the Britieh (rainoff
collected in pots).

The Weapons Effects Handbook which is about ready to go to press

is being held up in the consideration of a chapter on long-term
fallout hazards.
This is being prepared by Dr. Libby assisted by

Dr. Western and Dr. Dunham. In addition there was a substantial
contribution to the next Semi-annual Report tc Congress which is
being prepared. Dr. Claus and Dr. Albert have had the primary
responsibility for this.

DR. FAILLA warned of the tendency to relate occupational dose to the

very low doses reported by certain groups such as at the Hanford

Works and the Cak Ridge National Laboratory which are not representative of the whole program.

* "Some Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Human Beings", edited by
E. P. Cronkite, U. P. Bond anc C. L. Dunham

“Medical Survey of Marshallese Two Years After Exposure to

Fallout Radiation", by R. A. Conard, Bradford Cannon, C. E. Huggins,

D. B. Richards and Austin Lowery (BNL 412-T-80)

Select target paragraph3