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Prepress briefing, July 8, 1959
Before J entered President's office some of international questions
had been taken up.
Kozlov - Mayor of Detroit not meeting him; Mayor's business.
Sukarno, largely dictatorship now,
Ben Gurion - has established a caretaker government in controversy
over selling munitions to Germans. Elections in September.
George Allen made a speech in Paris on June 29th which was construed
by the French as announcing a change in American policy on Algiers.
The President said nonsense, that our policy was largely hands off, and
he added that all Mr. Allen did was to hope that the French would be able
to put forward a plan that would be acceptable and bring about peace -that is no new policy.
NATO withdrawing planes from France and sending some to Germany
and Britain, Has been announced. Does not represent argument" with
France, merely as result of discussions. Countries to which planes are
going are agreeable,
Dr. Kistiakowsky reported that progress was being shown on nuclear
test discussions in Geneva and that agreement was expected in a fewdays.
The President said there was progress on technical requirements and
monitoring of such tests, and Dr. K. agreed.
German elections - nothing new. Jim thought if the President got a
chance it would be a good time to point out that free elections had been
held despite Soviet objections,
Venezuela and Cuba statement saying they wanted no intervention by OAS.
OAS is working out a medium position -- that is to have a Foreign
Ministers' meeting to consider the situation.


Batista is applying for a visa to come to the United States. President
knows about application, but actual papers have not yet been received

When such documents are received,

determination has to be made

whether his entry would jeopardize best interests of the U.S.







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