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mm. ‘Dowex-1° of bismuth carrier
weparated on @ ‘Dowex-s0" fone
de of alga eotlected at Mniwetok
shed Hoe is the ehition curve for
levels of bismuth were determined


The solid line indicates the
the eluted fractions.

Is tor colnting error are viven

from the anion fraction
of ruthentum-106-rhodiumper cent of the hismuth-207
‘action, and the remaining
in the



uthentum from the anion
ith perchloric acid only the
Z07 were present in the

test for bismuth was made

henium!, The sample was
‘sulphuric acid. Five ml. of
‘ogether with 1 ml. of 1 per
hen 1 ml. of 10 per cent
dded to three drops of the
ulphurie acid. The solution
ur of iodobismuthite.

A ‘Dowex-I resin column (100-200 mesh) 56 mm.
by 8 em. was converted to the Cl- form with 6 N
hydrochloric acid then treated with 25 mi. 2 N
hydrochloric acid. The fraction which contained the
bismuth was dissolved in 15 ml. 2 N hydrochlorie
acid and passed through the resin column at a flowrate of 0-1 ml./min. The columnwaseluted with 15 ml.
2N,20 ml. 6 N, 20 ml. 12 N hydrochloric acid, and
10 ml. distilled water. The eluates were collected in
5-ml. fractions, dried in test tubes, then treated with
heat and sulphuric acid to remove the chloride.
Gamma counts for bismuth-207 were made from each
fraction and the stable hismuth determined by the
iodide colorimetric method. The amounts of iodobismuthite in the fractions were determined by light
absorbance measurements at 440 mu. The y-radioactivity and the light absorbance in the fractions are
shown in Fig. 1. Bismuth is known to be strongly
adsorbed on to ‘Dowex-l’ resin at molarities of
hydrochloric acid from 0-6, but is desorbed by 12 N
hydrochloric acid?. In the separation described above
both the y-activity and the stable bismuth remained
on the ‘Dowex-1? during elution with 2 N and 6 N
hydrochioric acid but were removed by 12 N hydrochloric acid.
A 20-mgm. sample of bismuth-207 made in tho
University of Washington eyelotron in 1956 was
subjected to the same ion-cxchange procedures used
for the algal sample. Of the bismuth-207 introduced
into the ‘Dowex-50’ column, 99:98 per cent was
recovered in the anion fraction (sample eluate + 0-2.N
hydrochlorie acid wash}. In the ‘Dowex-1 column’,
the bismuth-207 remuined attached to the resin
during elution with 2 N and 6 N hydrochloric acid
but was quantitatively removed by 12 N_ hydroehloric aeid.
(The conversion of bismuth to a chloride complex
in ash from biological material which is then separated by successive elutions from ‘Dowex-50’ and
‘Dowex-l’ columns would be an efficient method for
separation of stable bismuth from these samples.
The amount of stable bismuth separated may be
determined with a colorimetric test. If carrier-free
hismuth-207 were added to the sample before ashing,
the yield for the stable element could be accurately

determined by > counting the added spike and the

purified bisnmruth separation.)
Bismuth-207 in radioactive fall-out would be in the
oxide form, which is insoluble in sea water. In the
lagoon, therefore. it would be expected to oceurin the
bottom sediments.
The bismuth-207 found in the sample of Dictyota
was probably adsorbed to the surface of the plant and
not incorporated in its living material. Algae are

Select target paragraph3