(Reprinted from Nature, Vol. 193, No. 4817, pp. 796-797,

February 24, 1962)

Occurrence of Bismuth-207 at Eniwetok
Durinc March 18-30, 1961, 308 samples of soil,

water, algae, land plants, plankton, fish and invertebrates were collected at Eniwetok Atoll for assay of
radioactivity. Two of the samples, taken from the
bottom of the lagoon, contained a y-emitting isotope
not previously reported at the Eniwetok Test Site.
One sample. which consisted primarily of radiolarians,

foraminiferans, and small sand grains, was collected

in a plankton net placed under the outflow of a salt
water supply system for marine aquaria in which the
intake pipe was located on the bottom of the lagoon
near Eniwetok Island.
The other sample was a
specimen of a brown alga, Dictyota divaricata
Lamouroux. collected in three feet of water in the
lagoon off Glenn Island on the west side of the
The algal sample (wet weight 63 gm.) was dried,
dry-ashed at 500° C. for 20 hr. (ash-weight 10-6 gm.),
dissolved in 500 ml. of 12 N hydrochloric acid to
which 20 mgm. of bismuth carrier had been added,
and boiled to dryness. Tho y-spectrum of the residue
as determined by the use of a 3-in. by 3-in. sodium
iodide (thallium) crystal connected to a 256-channel
analyser contained the photopeaks of cobalt-57.
eobalt-60, zinc-65, manganese-54 and ruthenium-106






energies of 0-038, 0-57, 1-064 and 1-77 were present.

The latter correspond to the photopeaks of bismuth207. an isotope with a physical half-life of eight
The presence of bismuth-207 in the algal
sample was verified by the following methods.
The ash, which had been treated with hydrochloric

acid and dried, was dissolved in 50 ml. of 6 N hydrochlorie acid and diluted to 1,000 ml. with distilled

‘Dowex 50 W—X8’ resin (50-100 mesh) in the H-form
was placed in a glass column (1-4 cm. diameter and
200 em. length). The sample was passed through the
column at a flow-rate of 1 ml./min. and the column
was rinsed with | litre of 0-2 N hydrochloric acid.
The sample eluate and rinse were combinedand dried
(anion fraction). The column was eluted with 1 litre
of 5 per cent oxalic acid followed by 1 litre of 6 N
hydrochlorie acid. The last two fractions were collec-

ted and dried separately.



Select target paragraph3