Vien this yourcge.: ese group wes considered separately CPisure 1), «
significant retardation in statural growth was shown among the boys.


children were smélles thon both the contrel boys and those exposed at older

Giris expesed ut similar young ages had normal ctatural growth curves.
teant a‘ fference in waight curves were found betveca exposed and

contre] childron for both boys and girls
Althoush there were individval cases in which the skeletal matucation
lagsed- markedly behind expected norms. (particularly in the hypothyroi.4a sub~---jects), the overall evrves for exposed and control children showed no stat~
isticelly sigmificant differences,



In 1963 a nodule was palpated in the thyroid gland of a 13-yeer old
girl who was exposed to fallout on Rongelap at the age of 3 year. 4 months.
A total thyroidectomy was done.

The surgical specimen showed mulilpie

nodules with cystic and hemoryvhagic changes.
was adenonateid goiter.

The histolosical diagnosis

During the next 5 years, thyroid nodules have dev-

eloped in en additional 14 of the 19 Rongelap“chiléren who were under 10
years of aza at time of exposure to the fallout (Table VI).

Gren in this ease group manifested frenk hypothyroldisn,

Two other chil-


cidence of thyroid abnormalities 90% among this group of 19 children
Up to tha conclusion of the 1969 survey, eperative procecurecs have becn
‘carried out in

12 ehildren with thyroid nodules.


lesions were


In ell instances, multiple

No. malignant

have been noted


in any of the specimens,-






The pattern of thyrold-nodule development suggested several relationAlmost all of

the tucors eppaared to ceavelap during the edoleseont peried (Fisuve 2).


ships to age-and developmental status of the exposed children.

Select target paragraph3