were pore contensive in the younsar children.

Some variation in the anrtonal-

cal distribution+ ofof
the burns
was recovded
among several ese groupings-*2-°?.
Epilnation, generally spotty in nature, began 2 to 3 weeks after exposure.

rair started at about 3 months end was completa by the

1e now hair seemeed normal in color, texture and abundance.


the frequency end the ceverity of epilation were more marked among child:en
as comprred to those ameng adults (Table IV).

Thus, 100% of children unde

3 years of ase showed sone degree of evilation, 90% of than modarate co
severe degree.


Cnly 274 of those over 16 ycars of age uanifested epilationt?.24,

In respect to hemetologic findings und particularly as they relate to
(Table V),


the following observations have been eadel3s 14,

At maxinun depression of lymphocytes (3rd day), the values were
lower in those under 5 years of age (252% of normal) than in those
over 5 years of age (55% of normal).

Recovery was more rapid in

the younger age group and ase differencés becans less marked after
the fourth week.


Platelet values (as percent of control values) during the first
12 months were consistently lower cmong those undex 10 years of
age as compared’ to those over 19 years of age,

Maximnun depression

eceurred by 30 days.


Granulecyte values dropped during the second wzek and shevwed a
second drop during the 5th week. --By 12 weeks, the levels had reo

turned nearly to the control renge.

Although the patterns: of

change were “the. some, the values for childrcn under 5 years of ase
were below those of the older aze groups throughout most of the



first ycar of observation.

Select target paragraph3