K relationships;


for March 1961.

The primary objectives are

and plant samples


a field trip to Rongelap Atoll is projected



collect soil

from previously established fertilizer plots,

to record growth measurements on

and shrubs,



(c) to collect edible fruit samples,

(coconut crab)

marked trees
(dad) to collect

for radiostrontium analysis;



ration for a field trip to Rongelap Atoll projected for August


This will be of


scope to the September 1959

field trip and will require a vessel capable of

operating in

the lagoon and supporting the scientific party for approximately
three weeks.

Members of the field party were:
Senior members
Edward Held, party leader, Laboratory of Radiation Biology
Kelshaw Bonham,
Laboratory of Radiation Biology
Stanley Gessel
College of Forestry
Ole Mathisen
Fisheries Research Institute
Richard Walker
Department of Botany
Junior members

William Anikouchine
Mark Behan

Department of Oceanography
Department of Botany

James Kimmel

Department of Botany, Ohio State

Conrad Mahnken

Department of Oceanography

Timothy Joyner
Reid Kenady


College of Fisheries
College of Forestry

Select target paragraph3