DRAFT: BWWachholz/bh 1/22/80 Overguidance ISSUE Increased DOE responsibilities in the Marshall Islands. Background _ nl ~ . . - fo H.R. 3756, currently before the Congress, significantly broadens U.S. responsibilities in the Marshall Islands. Briefly, the House bill directs: 1. General medical care for the people of Rongelap, Utirik, Bikini and Enewetak atolls and their descendents. 2. Periodic radiological monitoring of those atolls. 3. Dose assessments to be prepared no less than every five years. 4. Introduction of an information and educational program re radiation. Furthermore, the House bill directs the Secretary of the Interior to prepare overall plans, to involve other agencies as necessary, to obtain funds for all of the programs, and to reimburse other agencies as necessary. The Senate committee markup of the bill makes a few changes: 1. The term "descendents" is eliminated from (1) above, but it provides for "such other atolls" as may need to be included. 2. It calls for a radiological survey not less than once every five years. 3. It places on DOE the responsibility to obtain and provide funding for the entire program, including funding of other agencies.