-eand vomiting on the day of exposure,

In this group there is no further evidence

of effects of the exposure except the hematologic (blood) changes that can be de-

tected by serial studies of the blood with particular reference to lymphocytes
and pletelets.

The lymphocytes reach low levels early, within 48 hours, and may

s!.ow little evidence of recovery for many months after exposure.

may show some depression during the second and third week,
variation is encountered.

The granulocytes

However, considerable —

The late fall in the granulocytes, during the 6th or

7th week, may occur and should be watched for,

Platelet counts reach lowest levels

on approximately the 30th day at the time when taximim bleeding was observed in

Japanese who were exposed at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

This time trend in the plate=

let count and the development of hemorrhage is in merked contrast to that seen in
laboratory animals where platelets reach their lowest levels between the 10th and
15th days and henorrhage occurs shortly thereafter.
In this group inidviduals with neutrophil counts below 1000 per cubic m,.
may be complete by asymptomatic.

Lykevise, patients with platelet counts of 75,000

per cubic mm, or less may show no external signs of bleeding.

It 4s well known that all defenses against infection are lowered, even by sub=
lethal doses of radiation, and thus, patients with severe hematologic depression
snould be kept under close observation and administered appropriate therapy as inGicated.

There is ressonably good animal experimentation to indicate that sublethally

exposed colonies of animals are sore susceptible to endenic and epidemic infection,
The numbers of individuals in group 3 (Survivel probable) will be creater than

in group 2 (Survival Possible) and the nunber in group 2 will be creater than in
sroup 1 (Survival improbable).

Group 1 casualties will be relplessly injured.

Group 2 cesualties will be able to help in their own cere to a limited extent.
Group 3 casualties will be useful and a roderate anount of vork will not be harmful,
No therapy other than observation is needed for this group.

The rest of my comments will be focused on the fallcut accident that occurred



Select target paragraph3