




evident that the

life scortening 1s some function of the dose of radiation,

extrapoletion from nice toman is extrezely difficulty.

However, the

It is unlikely that any good

statistical analysis can be made on the Marshallese because of the small mmbers of

individuals and the uncertainty of the precise birthdate in the older groups.


has been one death in the Rongelap group who at autopsy showed evidence of heart disease.

In the larger group from Utirik there heave been five deaths.

The number of

deaths is comperable in both groups one having received 175 r ani the latter only

14 r.

To date one must conclude that there las been no significant evidence for

prenature ageing or shortening of the life span of the Marshallese.
Leuxemia_ and Cancer

Loukenta is one of the things thet is know to have occurred in the Japanese
and is prevalent in irradiated laboratory animals.

To date no leukemia has occurred

end there is no evidence of leukemic tendencies, Thia 4s being studied intensively

ty the uso of alkaline phosphatase studies on the granulocytes and besophile counts
on the blood,

It has been shown by the studies of Moloney et el., in Japan that a

tasophilia and decrease in alkaline phosphatase precedes the developmant of leukenia.
Genetic Effects
The small nmuaber of individuals involved and the inadequate vital statistics
make it difficult to determine genetic changes.

It is certain that there have been

no abnormalities in the first generetion of oabies.

The umlesireadle aspects for

genetic studies are in part offset by the teniency of consanguinous marriages that
are prevalent among the Marshallese,

From this stsnipcint genetic effects nay


ceveliop and are being sought.





Term Fffects of Internally Deposited Fadionuclides

he very snall aucunits of radioactive msterials that are deposited internally

ure by thezselves ‘nadequate to produce serious long tern effects.

Fowever the sub-

dect 4s complicated by the fect that the individuals hed e substantial inftial insult
fron whole body radiation.

In eddition to the whole body radiation the thyroid gland

ROE anc


Select target paragraph3