

results are yet incomplete and have to be analyzed further.

It was found that the

exposed Marshallese had counts that were higher than non exposed peoples in the
United States,

However the values were far below the current permissable levels.

Since there has been some misunderstaniing in the press about children being
brought to the United States for study I would like to state that all the individuals
brought to the United States vere adults with the exception of one 16 year old boy.
They have subsequently been returned to the Marshall Islands,
My associate in the Medical Department of Srookhaven Netional Leboratory, Dr.

Robert A, Conard, a member of the original team that took care of

and studied the

Mershallese and director of the two and three year surveys has retained an abiding
interert in the Marshallese,

On tehalf of the Atomic Energy Commission end Brook-

haven National Laboratory he has undertaken the continuing responsibility of yearly
surveys of these pecple.

These surveys are being made possible by the cooperation

of the Medical Depertment of the United States Nevy and its activities, the Medical
Research Institute et Bethesda, Maryland and the United States Naval Radiological
Defense Leboratory in San Franeisce.

The continuing project is a joint effort di-

rected by Dr. Conard and participated in by the Medical Department of Brookhaven
National Laboratory, the two Navy institutions mentioned earlier and interested phy=siclans and scientists of various American universities and medical schools.
Crue cannot“leave this tremendously important subject of fallout and the unfortunste accident that occurred in the Marshall Islands in 1954 without the frank recog
nition that late effects of ionizing radiation are possible,

ceen observed in men and in animals.
Acadeny of Sciences report (8).
part of the continuing survey.

Hany late effects have

These are condensed in detail in the hational

Accordingly s search for late effects is an essential
A summary of the 3 year status of these people follows.*

It will be reported in detail in reference 22 now being prepared.



Select target paragraph3